Blueclone Blog | Empowering Businesses with Expert IT Advice

Welcome to the Blueclone Blog! Whether you’re a business owner, IT manager, or practice manager, our blog provides actionable insights to help you navigate the ever-changing world of technology. From cybersecurity tips to IT support strategies, our articles are crafted to address the challenges faced by SMBs in Central NJ and Eastern PA.

How the Coronavirus crisis is the gateway to the other kind of virus

NJ MSSP Infographic

How the Coronavirus crisis is the gateway to the other kind of virus To say the COVID-19 pandemic gave the whole world a tough time would be an understatement. Economies collapsed, joblessness rose, people lost their loved ones and livelihoods to the disease. Adding to this situation was the need for social distancing and self-isolation […]

Keeping your data safe: Access Control

NJ MSSP Infographic

Keeping your data safe: Access Control Cyberattacks are a commonplace today. Malwares such as viruses, worms and more recently ransomwares not only corrupt your data or hold it hostage, but also inflict irreversible damage on your brand and business. As a norm, most businesses these days do invest in anti-virus/cybersecurity systems. But, is that really […]