Category Archives: Blog

What the COVID-19 crisis taught us about the cloud and business continuity

What the COVID-19 crisis taught us about the cloud and business continuity The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it, in many ways. While its impact on our day-to-day lives has been huge, the impact has been even more severe from a business perspective. The social distancing norms, staggered operating hours so as […]

What’s your argument against an SLA with an MSP? Part-1

What’s your argument against an SLA with an MSP? (And why it doesn’t hold water) Part-1 Managed IT services are becoming more popular by the day. Businesses, big and small, are bringing managed service providers onboard to handle their IT requirements. The bigger IT players like IBM, Accenture, CISCO act as MSPs to larger organizations, […]

Seven things that pandemic taught us about data security

Seven things that pandemic taught us about data security As workers fled home to handle everything remotely, organizations had to quickly address new threats and questions that were raised about maintaining the integrity and safety of their data. From the IT perspective, the pandemic… Reinforced the need to follow good password hygiene Brought to light […]