Category Archives: Internet

How to Overcome False Claims & Misinformation And Get the Facts You Need for the Presidential Election

PRINCETON, N.J. (For immediate release) – Cybersecurity expert Milan Baria shares important guidance on upcoming presidential election   This presidential election may feel like a mass of confusing and contradictory information to many American voters. In many ways, it is. Threats of foreign meddling. Partisan exaggeration in print, broadcast and social media. An incumbent already casting doubt […]

Multi-factor Authentication Demystified

Multi-factor Authentication Demystified You have probably come across the term multi-factor authentication of late. It is an IT buzzword today and is fast becoming one of the best practices of cybersecurity. So, what is multi-factor authentication, exactly? Read this blog to find out. Multi-factor authentication, as fancy as the term sounds, is just multiple barriers […]

5 Important IT checklists that no SMB should miss: Part-2

5 Important IT checklists that no SMB should miss: Part-2 In our last blog, we discussed 2 of the 5 important IT checklists that every SMB should have. In this post, we cover the other 3, namely, IT training, Data Backup, and BYOD checklists. IT Training checklist Your IT staff is not the only one […]

5 Important IT checklists that no SMB should miss: Part-1

5 Important IT checklists that no SMB should miss: Part-1 IT checklists are a great way to analyze, understand and take the necessary steps to meet your IT requirements. In this blog, we discuss 2 of the 5 important IT checklists–Hardware/software and Cybersecurity. When creating a checklist for hardware/software purchase, use, and installation, answer the […]

National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week | November 9-14, 2020

PRINCETON, N.J. August  31, 2020 – Join us in observing National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week in November   Cyber security careers are a growing segment of the nation’s workforce needs and a great opportunity for both students choosing their future career and adults who are looking for a new career field. Currently there are over […]

What to consider when investing in cyber insurance

What to consider when investing in cyber insurance As a business, you are probably aware of the term, cyber insurance. With the cybercrime rates rising consistently, cyber insurance is increasingly becoming a necessity for survival. Here are a few things to consider before you sign up with a cyber insurance service provider. Risk analysis First, […]