Category Archives: Cybersecurity

Employee training and Cybersecurity

Employee training & Cybersecurity Employee training will form a big part of the cybersecurity initiative that you will take on as an organization. You need to train your employees to identify and respond correctly to cyberthreats. Here are some employee training best practices that you can make a part of your cybersecurity training program. Create […]

Strengthening your cybersecurity policies

Strengthening your cybersecurity policies Formulating strong IT policies and laying down the best practices for your staff to follow is one of the best ways to prevent your business from becoming a victim of cybercrime. In this blog, we explore the various areas your IT policy should ideally cover. Passwords: Your IT policy should cover […]

Why do you need a top-down approach to IT security?

Why do you need a top-down approach to IT security? For any organization, its employees are its biggest assets. But, what happens when your biggest assets turn out to be your greatest threats or liabilities? That is how cybercrime can change the game. In a recent study, it came to light that employee actions account […]

3 steps you can take to protect your data in the Cloud

3 steps you can take to protect your data in the Cloud Moving to the Cloud offers tremendous benefits for SMBs that range from lower IT costs to any-time access to data and certainly more reliability in terms of uptime. But, data in the Cloud is also vulnerable to security threats just like the data […]

Is the Cloud really risk-free?

Is the Cloud really risk-free? The Cloud presents plenty of benefits that make it a very attractive choice, especially for SMBs who don’t want to be burdened with higher in-house IT costs, putting your data in the Cloud is not risk-free. Just as storing data on physical servers has its security threats, the Cloud presents […]

Things to consider before switching to the Cloud

Things to consider before switching to the Cloud More and more businesses are switching to the Cloud to store their data and rightly so. The Cloud offers numerous benefits over the traditional, physical on site server. For example, Anytime, anywhere access to your data: Information in the Cloud can be accessed from anywhere using an […]

Why Your Company Needs a SaaS Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan

There seems to be software that solves every problem you might face as a business owner, from sales to social media. If you use SaaS to store your data, then you are taking on some risk.  While the digital world comes with many pros, it also opens you up to a few dangers. Employee error, […]

How to Overcome False Claims & Misinformation And Get the Facts You Need for the Presidential Election

PRINCETON, N.J. (For immediate release) – Cybersecurity expert Milan Baria shares important guidance on upcoming presidential election   This presidential election may feel like a mass of confusing and contradictory information to many American voters. In many ways, it is. Threats of foreign meddling. Partisan exaggeration in print, broadcast and social media. An incumbent already casting doubt […]