Category Archives: Managed Service Provider

What the COVID-19 crisis taught us about the cloud and business continuity

What the COVID-19 crisis taught us about the cloud and business continuity The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it, in many ways. While its impact on our day-to-day lives has been huge, the impact has been even more severe from a business perspective. The social distancing norms, staggered operating hours so as […]

What’s your argument against an SLA with an MSP? Part-2

What’s your argument against an SLA with an MSP? (And why it doesn’t hold water) Part-2 In our last blog post, we discussed 3 reasons SMBs usually cite for not signing a service level agreement with an MSP. In this blog post, we suggest how an SLA with an MSP will add value to your […]

What’s your argument against an SLA with an MSP? Part-1

What’s your argument against an SLA with an MSP? (And why it doesn’t hold water) Part-1 Managed IT services are becoming more popular by the day. Businesses, big and small, are bringing managed service providers onboard to handle their IT requirements. The bigger IT players like IBM, Accenture, CISCO act as MSPs to larger organizations, […]

Equip your business with the IT foundation it needs to compete and win

Equip your business with the IT foundation it needs to compete and win In a recent industry survey, it was found that one of the biggest factors holding back small and mid-sized firms from achieving their business goals was IT. One may argue that smaller businesses lack the capital that the bigger players have to […]

Transitioning from average to best-in-class with IT

Transitioning from average to best-in-class with IT Many small or mid-sized businesses don’t focus much on IT as they should. For a lot of them, the focus is on customers, ensuring they have enough staff to meet their client needs, expanding their business and driving revenue by selling. IT comes into the picture initially when […]

7 Ways Professional IT Solutions Services Add Structure to Your Business Technology

Technology is just one aspect of your business but it dictates everything you do. Without a network connection, how do you carry out marketing and sales? Your service or product might even be transmitted over the Internet, which means without technology, you don’t have a business. Sometimes, technology can feel overwhelming. When you became a […]

Social media at work what could go wrong?

Social media at work…what could go wrong? As a business, there is no doubt today that you need to make your presence felt on major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. But social media also exposes you to cybercriminals. In this post we talk about the steps you can take to […]

Multi-Factor Authentication 101

Multi-Factor Authentication 101 You have probably already come across the term multi-factor authentication. The concept is not new, but has caught on really quick of late. In this post, we will discuss what multi-factor authentication is and why you should be adopting it. What is multi-factor authentication?Multi-factor authentication is basically the use of more than […]

Why MSP relationships fail

Why MSP relationships fail A lot of SMBs opt for managed service providers who can help handle their IT requirements, and for the most part, it works well. Almost everyone knows the benefits of having a MSP manage your IT. Increased cost savings, ability to focus on your business without worrying about IT, better IT […]