Category Archives: NJ

Is the Cloud really risk-free?

Is the Cloud really risk-free? The Cloud presents plenty of benefits that make it a very attractive choice, especially for SMBs who don’t want to be burdened with higher in-house IT costs, putting your data in the Cloud is not risk-free. Just as storing data on physical servers has its security threats, the Cloud presents […]

Things to consider before switching to the Cloud

Things to consider before switching to the Cloud More and more businesses are switching to the Cloud to store their data and rightly so. The Cloud offers numerous benefits over the traditional, physical on site server. For example, Anytime, anywhere access to your data: Information in the Cloud can be accessed from anywhere using an […]

Why Your Company Needs a SaaS Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan

There seems to be software that solves every problem you might face as a business owner, from sales to social media. If you use SaaS to store your data, then you are taking on some risk.  While the digital world comes with many pros, it also opens you up to a few dangers. Employee error, […]

7 Ways Professional IT Solutions Services Add Structure to Your Business Technology

Technology is just one aspect of your business but it dictates everything you do. Without a network connection, how do you carry out marketing and sales? Your service or product might even be transmitted over the Internet, which means without technology, you don’t have a business. Sometimes, technology can feel overwhelming. When you became a […]

Social media at work what could go wrong?

Social media at work…what could go wrong? As a business, there is no doubt today that you need to make your presence felt on major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. But social media also exposes you to cybercriminals. In this post we talk about the steps you can take to […]

Multi-Factor Authentication 101

Multi-Factor Authentication 101 You have probably already come across the term multi-factor authentication. The concept is not new, but has caught on really quick of late. In this post, we will discuss what multi-factor authentication is and why you should be adopting it. What is multi-factor authentication?Multi-factor authentication is basically the use of more than […]

Why MSP relationships fail

Why MSP relationships fail A lot of SMBs opt for managed service providers who can help handle their IT requirements, and for the most part, it works well. Almost everyone knows the benefits of having a MSP manage your IT. Increased cost savings, ability to focus on your business without worrying about IT, better IT […]

5 Lesser known benefits of choosing the co-managed IT model

5 Lesser known benefits of choosing the co-managed IT model Even companies with IT staff on their payroll can’t deny having an MSP onboard offers benefits that exceed what they get from having just an in-house team. This blog explore 5 lesser known reasons why the co-managed IT model is popular. An extra hand during […]

Four reasons to opt for the co-managed IT services model

Four reasons to opt for the co-managed IT services model Co-managed IT services model is one in which the business has its own IT team, but still contracts with an external managed services provider for certain services. In this blog we discuss four benefits of a co-managed IT services model. ExpertiseYour in-house IT team may […]