Category Archives: NJ

Best practices for data safety in a remote work environment

Best practices for data safety in a remote work environment Do you have staff working from home? Of late, due to the Coronavirus crisis a lot of businesses shifted to the remote working environment. While it raises some data security concerns, they can be overcome by following a few best practices. Formulate rulesYou can start […]

How safe is your data when your staff works from home?

How safe is your data when your staff works from home? The Coronavirus crisis has changed the world as we know it. With social distancing, lockdowns and work from home becoming the new normal, cyber criminals are exploiting the situation to their gains. This whitepaper discusses how the cyber crime landscape is likely to shape […]

4 things to do to ensure your business continuity planning is a success

4 things to do to ensure your business continuity planning is a success Working on creating a contingency plan for your business? That’s great! Here are 4 things you need to consider when preparing your new business continuity plan. Audit of your business continuity planHaving a business continuity plan alone is not enough. You need […]

What are the essentials of a business continuity plan?

What are the essentials of a business continuity plan? An unexpected emergency can wipe out your business! A business continuity plan can help it survive. But, what should a good business continuity plan cover? Read this blog to find out. A list of your key contactsOne of the most important elements in your business continuity […]

3 Reasons to prepare a business continuity plan

3 Reasons to prepare a business continuity plan if you haven’t done so already A business continuity plan is the blueprint you need during an emergency to keep your business running smoothly. If you don’t already have one, here are 3 key reasons why you should focus on creating one ASAP. It helps retain clientsAs […]

Business continuity planning: A must-have, not a luxury

Business continuity planning: A must-have, not a luxury Business continuity planning is not an alien concept anymore. In recent times we have witnessed a lot of events that only serve to further intensify the need for business continuity planning. Examples include natural calamities like hurricanes, floods, wildfires, events like terror attacks or even pandemics like […]

How to Overcome False Claims & Misinformation And Get the Facts You Need for the Presidential Election

PRINCETON, N.J. (For immediate release) – Cybersecurity expert Milan Baria shares important guidance on upcoming presidential election   This presidential election may feel like a mass of confusing and contradictory information to many American voters. In many ways, it is. Threats of foreign meddling. Partisan exaggeration in print, broadcast and social media. An incumbent already casting doubt […]

Blueclone Networks is named among the Top 15 managed services provider worldwide in the 2020 Channel Futures rankings.

PRINCETON, N.J. (For immediate release) – Blueclone Networks is ranked as one of the world’s top SMB managed service providers in the 2020 Channel Futures SMB Hot 101 rankings   Blueclone placed 13th worldwide in the highly respected annual rankings, which evaluate MSPs on the basis of weighted annual revenue, profitability, recurring revenue and operational […]

National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week | November 9-14, 2020

PRINCETON, N.J. August  31, 2020 – Join us in observing National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week in November   Cyber security careers are a growing segment of the nation’s workforce needs and a great opportunity for both students choosing their future career and adults who are looking for a new career field. Currently there are over […]

United States Airforce “Blue Angels” Trenton NJ Flyover Time

PRINCETON, N.J. (April 27, 2020) – US Military to honor COVID-19 front line workers in Trenton, NJ on Tuesday 4/28 The U.S. Airforce Thunderbirds & Blue Angels will honor front line COVID-19 workers in the Trenton, New Jersey area along with Newark, NYC and Philadelphia on Tuesday April 28, 2020 beginning at noon.  A total […]