Category Archives: NJ

More Telecommuting Increases the Probability Companies Will be Hacked

PRINCETON, N.J. (April 14, 2020) – Prepare for massive reports of database breaches and ransomware hacking that will make the recent Zoom-bombing seem like a small chapter in cyber security penetration, a leading author on defending business systems warns. Like the reporting on the spread of the coronavirus, it may take weeks — even months […]

Blueclone Networks Jingle

Princeton, NJ – April 3, 2020 – Official New Jersey Computer Support Company Jingle Released Over the past several weeks the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruption, filled our inboxes with COVID-19 data, and flooded social media with businesses trying to capitalize on hard times.  A few of us felt we should lighten things up […]

Coronavirus Disease – COVID-19 hits Mercer County NJ | Be Aware of Scams

Princeton, NJ – March 10, 2020 (Updated from March 06) – COVID 19 (aka Corna Virus) case confirmed in Bucks County, PA.  Presumptive Positive Cornonavirus in Princeton, NJ & Robbinsville, NJ.  For the lastest updates on this post, scroll down An asymptomatic person from out of state who had exposed multiple children and staff in […]

Our CEO Releases Cybersecurity Book

Princeton, NJ – September 12, 2019 – CEO Milan Baria’s book on Cybersecurity launches today on Amazon Our CEO along with 14 of the top security minds in the IT industry publish a collaborative book around the crucial topic of cybersecurity.  YOU Are the #1 Target officially launches September 12th, 2019 and is now available […]

Windows Remote Desktop Security Vulnerablity | Bluekeep

Princeton, NJ – June 18, 2019 – Microsoft Windows RDP “BlueKeep” Vulnerability  (CVE-2019-0708) The CISA issued an alert to provide information on a vulnerability, known as “BlueKeep,” that exists in Microsoft Windows Operating Systems, both 32- and 64-bit versions.  Blueclone has for the past several years advised clients to disable remote desktop services (RDP) on […]

Major Internet Outage in NJ and Across the Nation

Princeton, NJ – June 29, 2018 (2:02P)  – Major Internet Connectivity issues reported in New Jersey and across the US Beginning just before noon a handful of complaints about Comcast Internet service started to grow to over 11,000 customers complaining around by 2:00P EST.  From full internet down reports to intermittent connectivity, flooded Comcast phone […]

Windows Update Breaks Network Connection

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Popular CCleaner v5.33 was hacked – Protect Yourself

Princeton, NJ – September 18, 2017 – Piriform’s CCleaner confirmed Hacking Piriform, the makers of the popular system and file cleaner “CCleaner”, confirmed on Monday, Sept 18, 2017 that hackers have attacked the company’s computer network successfully. The hackers compromised 2 versions of CCleaner in the attack which have been used by up to 3% of […]

Massive Cyber Attack | DDoS DNS Server Attack

Princeton, NJ – October 21, 2016  – Large scale DDoS attack to US DNS Servers HUGE CYBER ATTACK ON U.S. DNS Servers Today there were numerous reports of websites, services, machines, and phone systems working slow, incorrectly, or not at all.   The problem appears to have stemmed from a large-scale DDoS attack.  The October 21 2016 DDoS attack falls […]

Ransomware Risk Increasing for Business & Individuals

Princeton, NJ – February 12, 2016  – Ransomware (aka crypto-ransomware or crypto locker) risks and exposure expected to grow. What is Ransomware?  Ransomware is what most people put under the same umbrella as virus.  It’s a piece of software that is installed on your computer which stops you from using your computer.  For businesses this generally spreads throughout the network infecting […]