National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week | November 9-14, 2020

NJ MSSP Infographic NIST
PRINCETON, N.J. August  31, 2020 – Join us in observing National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week in November   Cyber security careers are a growing segment of the nation’s workforce needs and a great opportunity for both students choosing their future career and adults who are looking for a new career field. Currently there are over 500,000 jobs open national in cybersecurity and the global cybersecurity workforce is expected to experience a shortfall of 1.8 million cybersecurity professionals by 2022.  There are multiple career options and numerous pathways to enter the cybersecurity career field and Blueclone wants to help the local community fill this gap. To help spread the word, observe the 2020 National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week with us, Blueclone from November 9 to 14. The National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week, brought to you by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity (NICE), is a week-long campaign focused on increasing awareness about careers in cybersecurity and how building a national cybersecurity workforce enhances America’s security and promotes economic prosperity. NICE brings to the forefront information of local, regional, and national interest to inspire, educate and engage citizens to pique their interest in cybersecurity careers. National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week takes place during November’s National Career Development Month, and each day of the week-long campaign provides for an opportunity to learn about the contributions, innovations, and opportunities that can be found by choosing a career in cybersecurity. During the week educators, parents, students, employers, government partners, and the community are exposed to cybersecurity workforce opportunities, the variety of cybersecurity careers, and existing and emerging educational pathways. The campaign will utilize a variety of social media and web-based information sources to provide resources and showcase partner activities that explain what a cybersecurity professional does and how an individual can enter this exciting career field. We urge you to go to the website for National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week to learn more and see how you can get involved.  Thanks for joining us and participating!